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Alphabet Soup of Radiation Oncology Societies

ACRO, ARRO, ASTRO, SWRO, CARO, ESTRO, AAR, ROECSG - the list goes on and on. As current and future radiation oncologists, it may seem like the entire specialty comprises hard-to-follow acronyms, and I have to agree with that assessment. Lucky for you, The Society for Women in Radiation Oncology (SWRO) is here to help translate the societies for you, decide which ones you may want to join or get involved with, and provide links for more information. Though SWRO is arguably the most important (is our bias showing?), we will go alphabetically with all the others.


AAWR - American Association for Women in Radiology

Mission Statement: To provide a forum for issues unique to women in radiology, radiation oncology and related professions; to sponsor programs that promote opportunities for women; and to facilitate communication among members and other professionals.

Twitter/X: @AAWR_org

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE

What makes AAWR special? The AAWR offers an awesome career center that profiles private practice and academic radiology and radiation oncology careers. They also host frequent webinars and speed-mentoring events for future rads/rad oncs!


ACR - American College of Radiology

Mission Statement: ACR is the voice of our members, empowering them to serve patients and society by advancing the practice and science of radiological care.

Twitter/X: @RadiologyACR

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE

What makes ACR special? ACR has a special "Resident and Fellow" section comprised of over 8,000 members in training. They offer fellowships in areas ranging from Economics and Health Policy to Quality and Safety.


ACRO - The American College of Radiation Oncology

Mission Statement: ACRO’s mission is to support Radiation Oncology professionals by providing opportunities for career development and practice improvement to enhance patient care. ACRO is the essential professional society for success in the day-to-day practice of radiation oncology.

Twitter/X: @ACRORadOnc

Twitter/X: @ACROresident

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE

Special Bonus from ACRO Resident: The Resident Corner website is awesome, with highlights being the mentorship program and resource sheet, both on the front page here:


AMA - American Medical Association

Mission Statement: As the physicians’ powerful ally in patient care, the AMA delivers on this mission by representing physicians with a unified voice in courts and legislative bodies across the nation, removing obstacles that interfere with patient care, leading the charge to prevent chronic disease and confront public health crises, and driving the future of medicine to tackle the biggest challenges in health care and training the leaders of tomorrow.

Twitter/X: @AmerMedicalAssn

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: Resident 1 year $45, Medical Student 1 year $20

AMA Extras: The Women Physicians Section (WPS) is a great resource. There are also great resources for medical students of any gender in the Medical Student Section (MSS), Resident and Fellows Section (RFS), Young Physicians Section (YPS), and for radiation oncologists both the Radiology Section Council (RSC) as well as Specialty Society Section (SSS).


ARRO - Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (an affiliate of ASTRO)

Mission Statement: The Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology was founded to:

- Improve the quality of education for resident physicians in radiation oncology.

- Advocate on behalf of residents to professional organizations and committees on matters affecting radiation oncology residents and residency training.

- Host the ARRO Annual Seminar held at the American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting, providing a venue for residents to collaborate and exchange ideas.

Twitter/X: @ARRO_org

Cost to join as a Member in Training: FREE

ARRO Bullet Points:

  • ARRO creates a special resident newsletter that goes out monthly

  • ARRO hosts bi-monthly Med Student Q&A

  • ARRO hosts Medical Student and Aspiring Scientist sessions at the ASTRO Annual Meeting

  • ARRO Day (ARROCHELLA) is a huge hit at the Annual Meeting, and includes opportunities to make connections with ASTRO leadership 


ARS- American Radium Society

Mission Statement: The Mission of the Society is to promote the multi-disciplinary and collegial study of all aspects of cancer. The Society will encourage liaison and professional development among the various medical and surgical specialists, and allied scientists concerned with cancer.

Twitter/X: @RadiumSociety

Twitter/X: @ArsRocket

Cost to join as a Candidate Member: $50 Application Fee and $50 Annually Thereafter 

Cost to join as a Medical Student: FREE

A special note from ARS ROCKET: ROCKET (@ArsRocket) is a task force pursuing the educational mission of ARS with targeted webinar programming for trainees and early career physicians. ROCKET is a great fit for anyone interested in developing or participating in webinar programming on topics to fill a perceived need in our space. All topics are welcome! Past topics involved away rotations, ERAS applications, legal aspects of oncology, and alternative radiation oncology career paths.


ASTRO- American Society For Radiation Oncology

Mission Statement: To advance the specialty of Radiation Oncology through promotion of equitable, high-quality care for people with cancer, cultivating and educating a diverse workforce, fostering research and innovation, and leading policy development and advocacy.

Twitter/X: @ASTRO_org

Cost to join as a Member in Training: FREE

ASTRO Quick Pitch:

  • ASTRO hosts a career fair at the ASTRO Annual Meeting as a way to connect with programs that are hiring

  • ASTRO offers fellowship opportunities for residents with Government Relations and Health Policy

  • ASTRO has a Mentorship Match for medical students and residents, allowing those underrepresented in medicine or radiation oncology to connect with a more seasoned physician (Also used to match with those who identify as LGBTQIA+,  Latinx, African-American, Person with Disability, IMG, etc.)

  • ASTRO attends and exhibits at medical student meetings, including AMSA, SNMA & LMSA. 

  • ASTRO hosts a special session about Radonc at the annual NMA meeting

  • $$$$$ There is a child care stipend for ASTRO Members-in-Training and members in their first year of practice who are presenting or speaking (poster presenter, oral presenter, invited faculty, moderator, panelist, discussant) at the Annual Meeting and are bringing a child(ren) $$$$

  • Find special training and learning modules for trainees on the ASTRO website []


ASCO - American Society of Clinical Oncology

Mission Statement: ASCO’s ultimate goal is to ensure that all patients have access to high-quality, affordable cancer care and that oncology practices have the resources needed to provide that care. Key areas of focus include cancer prevention, access to and quality of cancer care, adequate reimbursement and coverage, and access and support for evidence-based research.

Twitter/X: @ASCO

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE


CARO-ACRO: The Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology - Association Canadienne de Radio-oncologie

Mission Statement: As the national association for this vital profession, the Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology (CARO) promotes and supports professional and development training for our practitioners, public education and awareness, and collaboration with other healthcare disciplines.

Twitter/X: @caro_acro_ca

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE


CARROS - The Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies

Mission Statement: The Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies (CARROS) was jointly founded by the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ASTRO) in 1978. Since 1986, CARROS has been a chapter of the ACR serving to promote activity in radiation oncology through the ACR at the local and regional level. 

Twitter/X: @ACRCARROS1986

Cost to join as a resident or medical student: FREE

What makes CARROS special?: CARROS is a member-driven, bottom-up umbrella. CARROS, aka the Council of Affiliated Regional Radiation Oncology Societies, is an ACR chapter and represents nationally all radiation oncologists who are members of the ACR.  

Unlike most other national RO societies, CARROS is directly member-driven, with important input from residents on its various committees as well as its Executive Committee.  Any radiation oncologist (whether in-training or in-practice) who has registered as a member of the ACR is automatically a member of CARROS. CARROS has several national committees that welcome resident participation: Government Relations; Membership & Communications; Education; Quality & Safety; and Empowerment, Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion.  

Please contact Trina Behbahani ( at the ACR for more information, or visit our  website: []."


ESTRO- European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology

Mission Statement: ESTRO’s new vision statement for 2030 ‘Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for All, Together.’ emphasizes the ambition of the Society to further reinforce radiation oncology as core partner in multidisciplinary cancer care and to guarantee accessible and high-value radiation therapy for all cancer patients who need it.

Twitter/X: @ESTRO_RT

Cost to join as an In-Training Member: €75.00


ROECSG- Radiation Oncology Education Collaborative Study Group

Mission Statement: Develop novel and innovative radiation oncology educational curricula for undergraduate medical education, graduate medical education, continuing medical education, and patient education. Disseminate innovative radiation oncology educational initiatives globally. Provide a forum for radiation oncology education scholars to exchange ideas, collaborate, and communicate.

Twitter/X: @roecsg

Cost to join as a Resident/Fellow Member-in-Training: $50/year

Cost to join as a Medical Student: FREE

A special note from ROECSG: ROECSG is an international team for anyone, and we mean anyone, who is interested in education innovations in the field of Radiation Oncology. We foster a diverse array of educational endeavors with a grassroots approach.

Who should consider joining? This is an ideal community for someone interested in getting involved in education research or programming and/or needing infrastructure or a team to get their idea off the ground. :)


ROVER - Radiation Oncology Virtual Education Rotation 

Mission Statement: A virtual education platform developed to support radiation oncology education for medical students and residents

Twitter/X: @RadoncROVER

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE


RSNA - The Radiological Society of North America

Mission Statement: RSNA promotes excellence in patient care and health care delivery through education, research and technologic innovation.

Twitter/X: @RSNA

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE


SWRO - Society for Women in Radiation Oncology

Mission Statement: The Society for Women in Radiation Oncology (SWRO) was established as an organization to provide a platform to promote women and gender minorities in the field of radiation oncology. We aim to increase representation and provide networking, research and mentoring, opportunities for women focusing on career development and the steep transition into leadership roles in our field.

Twitter/X: @S_W_R_O

Cost to join as a Resident or Medical Student: FREE

SWRO Perks:

  • SWRO's mentorship program exists to connect aspiring radiation oncologists with residents/attendings with similar interests

  • We host workshops and panels with topics ranging from work-life balance to how to land your first job

  • We sponsor #WeWhoCurieWednesday posts on X/Instagram to share about women in radiation oncology and help members make connections through these posts

  • SWRO's Research Hub is focused on collecting and disseminating data and information on gender and inclusion within radiation oncology and the broader medical field


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