In honor of Marie Curie's birthday on November 7th, in 2018 the Society for Women in Radiation Oncology (SWRO) launched the first #WomenWhoCurie Day. For the following two years, the #WomenWhoCurie campaign grew with increase participation from radiation oncologists across the globe.
Looking at the title of our page, you may notice that something has changed compared to these past campaigns, the transition to #WeWhoCurie. As an organization, we strive to continuously reflect and grow in advocating for those who have been traditionally underrepresented in our field. Over the past year it has become evident that members of our community, in particular, women of color and our non-binary colleagues, have not felt supported by the #WomenWhoCurie movement. As historically these groups have been excluded from women’s movements, this year, we seek to identify ways to change course and create a more inclusive environment.
After thoughtful discussion and mentorship by many leaders in national radiation oncology organizations, national gender organizations and thought leaders in the DEI space, we have introduced the #WeWhoCurie movement alongside the #WomenWhoCurie movement in order to promote inclusivity. We encourage individuals to add adaptations of the hashtag alongside #WeWhoCurie to celebrate their own identity, filling in the blank: #WeWhoCurie #_____WhoCurie. Although photos and tweets from the official SWRO account will utilize #WeWhoCurie, we will be following #WomenWhoCurie and searching for other related hashtags to share and promote throughout the day on November 7th and embolden our members to utilize the phrase they feel best represents their identity.

What is #WeWhoCurie Day?
Similar to the recent #ILookLikeAnEngineer and #ILookLikeASurgeon social media campaigns aimed at breaking stereotypes in traditionally male-dominated fields, we encouraged women to take a picture capturing what it means to be a radiation oncologist and the post to social media with the hashtag, #WeWhoCurie!
How can I participate in #WeWhoCurie Day?
1) Take a photo! Photograph women and gender minorities in your department doing whatever captures what it means to be involved in radiation oncology (Ex: in front of your LINAC, preparing for a brachytherapy procedure, engaging in treatment planning, etc). We want men who are allies in gender equity to participate as well! Solo pictures, group pictures, department pictures are ALL welcome! Sample pictures can be found on below.
2) Spread the word in your department and elsewhere! Consider alerting the media relations office(s) of your department, hospital, or clinic. If you are active on social media, please consider posting information about the #WeWhoCurie Day ahead of time and encouraging others to participate.
3) On Sunday, November 7th, 2021: Post your picture! Post your picture(s) on social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, your department’s website, etc) along with the hashtag #WeWhoCurie. If you aren't on social media, just email your photo to SWROcontact@gmail.com and we will take care of uploading your photo with a comment if you prefer. Please send these by November 6th to ensure they are seen and included on the 7th.
Email SWROcontact@gmail for more information about how you can make this campaign even more far-reaching!
What are the goals for #WeWhoCurie Day?
We are excited for this year's campaign which seeks to:
Celebrate the amazing women and gender minorities across the world that are treating patients with cancer with radiation and conducting research
Celebrate all of the team members who make vital contributions to the care of patients treated with radiation
Increase awareness of radiation oncology alongside other oncologic specialties
Increase awareness of radiation oncology as a fantastic specialty among female and gender minority medical students who are interested in oncology
We also encouraged men and other vital members of the radiation team to take part in the campaign by posing with female radiation oncologists who they admire. #HeForShe
This day coincides with International Day of Medical Physics so we hope to also celebrate the amazing work of female medical physicists!
How many people does #WeWhoCurie reach?
We were incredibly inspired by the hundreds of #WeWhoCurie posts across the world and equally encouraged by the support poured out by various departments and organizations! Countries represented included the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Spain, China, New Zealand, and Australia. Over 720 contributes tweeted photos and messages over 2,000 times.
Thank you for helping us show the world the amazing women and gender minorities of radiation oncology!